What's New?
Hello. This is where you'll find info about any and all additions and updates I've made to my web site. The most recent updates will be listed at the top of the page.
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Yes ladies and gentlemen, once again the "Best of Pod" award has been bestowed upon the Metropolis. The Stevie Ray Vaughan Homepage was recently honored with this prestigious accolade.
See all the details here!
Flashback to the sixties, and dig on my new Jimi Hendrix web site. It's got a biography, a discography with album cover art and track listings, a photo gallery with lots of pics, and Jimi-related links. In other words, it's Really Groovy!
Check it out today at:
I'm very proud to announce that another one of my web sites was honored with the "Best of Pod" award from Tripod's Alt.Music pod.
This time the award went to the official Tina Thornhill & Rainmaker web site.
Come on down and take a look!
Well all-righty then! The Bulletin Board (Visitors' Forum) is back online. It took me long enough, didn't it?!
There's been a brand new addition to Banjo Willie's Metropolis. It's the official web site for my band, Tina Thornhill & Rainmaker. This site contains all kinds of goodies, including a bio, a song list, lots of pics, a calendar of upcoming shows, and contact info.
Why don't you check out all the info right here!
Hooray! I'm very pleased to announce that my BHTM tribute site -- The Big Head Todd and the Monsters Homepage was chosen as the Tripod Alt Music Pod's "Best Of Pod" for January 1999! What is the Tripod Alt Music Pod? It's a group of "alternative" music related web sites which has thousands of members.
Get all the info here!
Come one, come all! Check out the newly redesigned The Big Head Todd and the Monsters Homepage. You'll find all kinds of info on this great band -- a band history; a discography that includes album covers, track lists, and production notes; a photo gallery; and some links to other BHTM related sites.
What's that? You say you don't know who this "big headed" Todd is? Click here and find out!
Well, it seems to have taken a lot longer than expected, but I can now say that I have finally finished building The Pink Floyd Homepage. Why don't you give it a look?
Read all about the history of Floyd on the band biography page. Check out the HUGE discography with album cover art, track listings, and production notes (including solo albums and a videography). You can also browse through some photos of the band at the gallery, or investigate some other Pink Floyd sites on the links page.
Click here to see it all!
Hooray! I've just been notified that the Metropolis has been listed in the Club WebTV newsletter (Homespun section)! This exposure has dramatically increased the traffic here at Banjo Willie's, and I welcome all of my new visitors.
By the way, I am currently working hard on an all new Pink Floyd web site -- stay tuned!
Well, things progressed a lot quicker than anticipated, so it gives me great pleasure to announce The Stevie Ray Vaughan Homepage -- completely remodeled and redesigned!
See all the changes at:
Banjo Willie's Homepages has officially opened its doors to visitors! Welcome one and all!
The forum and add-a-link page that I mentioned below are cgi scripts that are residing on another server. Good news and bad news -- bad news first -- they'll be down until probably around Aug 20. Good news is that they're upgrading to a larger capacity dedicated server to speed things up.
Anyway, I hope you will take advantage of the features as soon as they are available.
Just finished setting up a new Bulletin Board (Visitors' Forum). Enjoy!
Well, after nearly two weeks and countless online hours, I'm getting very near the completion of my personal web site. Hope to have it finished and open to visitors very soon!
Well, today is as good as any to start the rebuild. I decided to do my "Personal" site first. Wish me luck!
I've decided to break my web site down into separate, more specific sites. Hopefully, this will eliminate some of the clutter and confusion.
Want to know about me and things having to do with me? See my personal site.
Want to unwind and be entertained by countless trivialities and mindless games? See my "Fun and Games" site (this will have a better title eventually).
Want to learn about some of my favorite bands? They all will have their own individual sites as well. Etc., etc.
I've just begun the MASSIVE task of restructuring/reorganizing this thing I call a web site. This will undoubtedly take me some time to accomplish, but I feel it has become necessary as things seem to have become quite cluttered (too much junk). Please bear with me as I strive to devise a solution to this.
I 've just got my own web site award happening! Your site could be one of the few and the proud to win the ALL NEW BANJO WILLIE'S SEAL OF APPROVAL. Just click on the example above and you'll be taken to the registration page containing all of the rules and guidelines, and a form for you to fill out to get your site registered for this brand new award. GOOD LUCK!
I just finished adding a few wav files and sound effects here and there on some of my pages. You'll have to look for them.
Sign up for my all new mailing list. If you join, you will receive the BANJO WILLIE'S NEWSLETTER: a periodical email letting you know about changes, additions, or coming attractions here at my web site. Sign up today!
Would you like to play a game? Check out my OnLine Othello, brought to you by htmlgames.com. Go ahead, try it.
Just got my South Park page up and running. It's still in the early stages as of this writing but I hope to eventually fill it with all kinds of good stuff. Let me hear your ideas. It'll be sweeeet.
Finally got around to start putting together a "What's New" page. Hopefully, this will provide a quick, easy method of finding out what's going on here at Banjo Willie's.
Came up with a whole new look for Banjo Willie's Home of Guitars, Music... Spent the next couple of weeks implementing it throughout my web site.
e-mail me!
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